
Line Dance

JAC Invites you to Line Dance With Ryan in November!

The Jefferson Arts Committee held its first line dance event last February and it was so successful that it was decided to do it again!So come out and Line Dance with us on Saturday, November 12 featuring DJ/Caller Ryan Pascarella of Hi Energy Entertainment.He will demonstrate some easy dances and you just need to follow along with him and the more experienced line dancers, and he’ll also be calling popular dances such as the CC Shuffle, Crank It Up, El Paso, Alabama, and many more.It will be a fun evening for everyone – novice or pro – so put on your dancing shoes (or boots) and come on out.

This event will again take place at the St. Thomas the Apostle R.C. Church Hall located at 5635 Berkshire Valley Road, Milton/Oak Ridge, NJ 07438.The doors will open at 6:30 pm and the dance will start at 7 pm.

Advance reservations are $17.50 per person if postmarked no later than November 7 andadmission includes a dessert table, coffee/tea and it’s BYOB (ice will be provided).The cost after November 7 and at the door will be $20 per person andONLY IFspace permits.Call 973-697-4840 to determine if seating is still available.

Tables seat 8 people if you want to sit with family and friends (this is a 21+ years of age event) and reservation forms can be found in your information and the information about the people sitting with you and then mail one or more checks to cover the number of people at your table payable to Jefferson Arts Committee to Jefferson Arts Committee, Line Dance, PO Box 2604, Oak Ridge, NJ07438.You must include your email address on the form for a confirmation of your reservation.

For event contact Information, please call 973-697-4840 or 973-697-3828 or visitartscommittee@jeffersonarts.organd Like the Jefferson Arts Committee on Facebook.


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