
Joshua Velez

Young pianist to perform at Christmas in the Village

The Jefferson Arts Committee is pleased to announce that Joshua Velez, a fifteen-year-old pianist presently living in Long Valley, NJ, will be performing on keyboard during the Christmas in the Village event on Saturday, December 5th.Weather permitting, he will play in the Jefferson Township Museum’s back yard by the pot belly stove beginning at 11 am.From there, he will move across the street to the Milton United Methodist Church’s New Hope Thrift Shop at approximately 1 pm. Should the weather not cooperate, Joshua will perform from 11 am to 4 pm in the New Hope Thrift Shop.

Joshua learned the art of the piano at age eight, and he has proceeded to continue expanding his knowledge of classical, popular, sacred, and holiday music and performing numerous times for audiences of all different sizes.Starting in 2011, he participated each year in various venues at Christmas in the Village, this year his fifth consecutive performance.

As a prior resident of Jefferson Township, Joshua studied piano under the tutelage of the late Margaret Brandell, a former director and accompanist to the Jefferson Community Chorus and an involved musician in the community.He currently takes lessons from Mrs. Beverly Anderson of Hackettstown, NJ. While he certainly loves to perform on the piano, Joshua’s greatest wish is that the listeners will discover true bliss and blessing in hearing the music emanating from his instrument.

For full details and schedules of all the events occurring during the Christmas in the Village event, please log on to, find Jefferson Arts Committee on Facebook, email, or call 973-697-3828.


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