
Marchers and Floats wanted for Jefferson Township Day Parade!

The Jefferson Arts Committee invites you or your organization to participate in the Jefferson Township Day Parade on Saturday, July 11, 2009.

Assembly for the parade will be at the parking lot of Jefferson Township Municipal Building complex at 1033 Weldon Road. The parade is scheduled to begin at 11 AM along Weldon Road, leaving from the municipal complex and then proceeding along Weldon Road up to the Jefferson Township High School fields where the event’s activities will take place.

If you or your organization wishes to participate as part of the parade lineup, please contact Jeanne Hantson, the Parade Chairperson, at 973-697-9181 as soon as possible for more information and a participation form. The Arts Committee is looking for marchers, vehicles, color guards, music, and floats.

This year will mark the 23rd annual Jefferson Township Day event, and the parade kicks off this community event that runs all day into the evening culminating with a huge fireworks display. Confirmed activities will be posted at


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